BABY PUPPY PLAY PEN - 4 weeks (2 - 4 Months)

Socialising a puppy is not about meeting or playing with other dogs.

Our baby puppy playpens, a first for Australia; offering different environments, textures and heights are also very important for proprioception during their physical, mental and emotional growth period.

We build confidence through a light introduction of new things and people, in a safe environment of structures and interactive pens to support their limbic system. The limbic system is the part of the brain involved in our behavioral and emotional responses of motivation, emotion, learning and memory.

Great breeders do a lot of this work with their litters as they develop, as do guide/seeing eye dog programs. Whether your pup is raised in this environment or not, this form of social growth is extremely beneficial for future life with your companion.

Building on new things within 4 weekly sessions is a wonderful head start for your pup. Puppies start in their own penned space and build to human interactions and practice stationing (mat work) and polite greetings in final sessions. All puppies move forward at their own pace, we acknowledge not every puppy is the same. Temperament & personality, breed and health play major parts in how a puppy navigates things around them.

During sessions we observe the puppies to learn about body language and how speak ‘puppy’ to support your companion as you visit and try new environments.

We learn what your puppy enjoys for play as well as how they best decompress.

We learn about counter-conditioning and how important it can be for your companion.

We build to 'pattern' games which in turn can be used day to day to help your pup cope when things become overwhelming. We also discuss consent and touch, including temperament and personality and what that means for each individual puppy.

All puppies have individual play pens, we then build to larger pens and finally to closer interaction and polite hello's with humans. The choice to move forward with calm confidence is taken at your puppy's pace.


PUPPY PRE SCHOOL - 4 weeks (2 - 4 Months)

A safe environment for 4 puppies per class, training expectations of your baby puppy while completing their final vaccinations.

Learning: Basic manners and our expectations of them. Teaching your dog to know exactly when their great behaviour is just what you're after.

Environment: How to live in our family environment and management.

Genetics: Inherent behaviours that might need extra attention, jumping, biting, guarding, barking and potty training

Self: Building your bond with your puppy though play and consent/touch

During sessions we observe the puppies together to learn about body language and how speak ‘puppy’ to support your companion. We also learn about co-unter conditioning and how important it can be for your companion.

We discuss consent and touch, including temperament and personality and what that means for each individual puppy.